Hungarian folk theme

Scrapbook is a common language. When you are a scrapbooker it doesn't matter the borders, the differences of culture or the huge distance, you will understand the art of the others, the meanings of the patterns or the importance of a picture. You will have opportunity to get to know better so many amazing peopole from many lands...
I enjoy so much this mix of cultures, and now I would like to show you a little bit from my country folk art, and turn it into the modern scrapbook's form.  

Hungary has a so beautiful and worldwide famous folk fancy pattern called 'Matyó hímzés'. Nonetheless it is an old tradition, it is very popular meantime, you can meet it all around the world.

I designed a cut file using the elements of this fancy pattern. I wanted to follow the traditional way, so it contains huge flowers and tiny branches around them. 

Click on the picture to download this FREE cutfile.

And here is my layout inspired by this old traditional patterns. I hope you enjoyed this littlevisit in hungarian folkart and this unusual layout!


  1. Köszönöm a vágófájlt!
    Az oldalad pedig csodás, mint mindig!

  2. Hű... Nagyon kedves oldal lett belőle 😊 gyönyörű a vágófájl mintája, köszi, hogy megosztottad velünk is 😊

  3. This is so gorgeous! Both your layout and the cut file! I can't believe you make these available for free! Thank you, Bea - I will put it to good use :) Melissa

  4. This is so gorgeous! Both your layout and the cut file! I can't believe you make these available for free! Thank you, Bea - I will put it to good use :) Melissa

  5. Have to try it! Mahalo nui loa!
